
Book Summary: Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

   Book Summary:  Who Moved My Cheese?  by Spencer Johnson Who Moved My Cheese?  is a short yet impactful allegory about change, written by Spencer Johnson. It teaches readers how to deal with unexpected changes in work and life through a simple yet profound parable set in a maze with four characters representing different approaches to change. Characters: Sniff:  A mouse who sniffs out change early. He notices the cheese supply is dwindling and is quick to find new cheese. Sniff represents people who are proactive and sensitive to change, always ready to adapt quickly. Scurry:  A mouse who scurries into action. Once he sees that the cheese is gone, he wastes no time overanalyzing and simply goes off to find new cheese. Scurry symbolizes individuals who act decisively and embrace change without overthinking. Hem:  One of the two little people (humanoids). Hem resists change, clings to old routines, and refuses to leave the cheese station even when the cheese is gone. He represents thos
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