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Artificial Intelligence (AI) utilizes Data Analytics across various domains.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) utilizes Data Analytics across various domains.

1.       Healthcare Diagnostics: 

       To help radiologists identify diseases early, AI systems evaluate data from medical imaging tests (such as MRIs and X-rays). By examining patient data and medical literature, IBM Watson for Oncology, for example, provides recommendations for cancer treatment options.

2.       Financial Services:

     Transaction data is evaluated by AI-driven analytics to identify fraudulent activity. Businesses that monitor transactions and spot odd patterns that could point to fraud, like PayPal, use AI algorithms.

3.     E-commerce Recommendations: 

     Websites such as Amazon and Netflix use artificial intelligence (AI) to examine user behavior and preferences and provide tailored product recommendations. In order to recommend products or content, AI systems analyze past data and user interactions.

4.       Autonomous Vehicles: 

    AI uses information from GPS, cameras, and sensors to make judgments in real time for autonomous vehicles. AI algorithms are used by Tesla's Autopilot to interpret this data for safety and navigation.

5.       Customer support:     

     AI-driven chatbots examine consumer inquiries, applying natural language processing (NLP) to discern intent and deliver pertinent answers. AI chatbots are used by companies like Apple and Google to help people.

6.       Smart Energy Management: 

      AI forecasts demand and analyzes consumption trends to maximize energy use. AI analytics are used by smart grids to better effectively balance supply and demand.

7.       Manufacturing and Predictive Maintenance: 

    Artificial intelligence systems examine sensor data from equipment to forecast maintenance requirements and avert malfunctions, hence decreasing downtime. Predictive maintenance is used in manufacturing and aviation by companies such as GE.


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